Saturday, May 12, 2018

Back at it!

Sort of. I want to get in the habit of putting something out there and reflecting on stuff rather than just thinking and forgetting. I don't have a garden right now but I figured I can revamp this blog to zoom out and record what is happening in general. Here we go!

 A highlight this week was figuring out a way to draw an alligator using a ton of triangles.

Check out my dog's sweet white eyelashes!

This sums up most of my evenings.

I feel like this photo can stand in for a lot of my interactions lately. I am danger (the cat), going out and bracing myself for the worst when in reality the world is mostly full of friendly people with transparent motivations. OK, I may be giving our dog in this photo scenario too much credit. Her gregariousness can verge on overbearing, which is it's own flavor of aggression in my book, but in this moment I think she is actually trying. Maybe.

That is all for now!